The Directorate of Human Performance 1st Special Forces Command (Airborne) Tactical Sleep Program of Instruction

Note: This edition of the "Tactical Sleep Program of Instruction" will expire on July 21, 2022. To obtain a certificate with CE/CME credit for any of these "Tactical Sleep Program of Instruction" modules, you must complete the module's requirements (including the course evaluation and post-test) by July 21, 2022. After July 21, 2022, if you wish to complete a "Tactical Sleep Program of Instruction" module, you must register for the course at Upon completing the course in JKO, learners will be provided with a link to return to the DHA, J-7, CEPO Continuing Education Management System to complete an evaluation survey and download their CE/CME certificate.

Tactical Sleep for Health Professionals is designed to equip Health Professionals with tools to screen, evaluate, coach, and strengthen active-duty Soldiers on sleep optimization to improve performance.  Requirements for this course include watching the 13 video recordings (10 hours total previously recorded) from the Dr. Knowles Tactical Sleep course and utilize the two-week sleep journal.

Tactical Sleep Videos: Videos are posted under the SOF Video – USASOC -1SFC Sleep Channel (

Slides used during the videos for each along with the two-week sleep journal are located in the Course Material folder (

Note using the AASM sleep journal: Students must log at least one week of sleep prior to watching the "Actigraphy & Sleep Logs" video. This video contains a practical exercise using the sleep journal. 

Target Audience

Primary care MD's PA's, Behavioral Health providers, and those interested in learning more about sleep medicine and the sleep element of the performance triad in the military population.

Social Workers
Certified Counselors

Learning Objectives

  1. Recognize the elements of successfully managing sleep deprivation and fatigue, including signs and symptoms of sleep deprivation and measuring alertness.
  2. Define the concept of dream scripting for success.
  3. Develop tools and techniques to guide patients in sleep for metabolic control.
  4. Screen for sleep disorders using various AASM approved sleep screening questionnaires.
  5. Utilize home sleep diagnostic devices, read and interpret device reports.
  6. Prescribe and manage CPAP devices
Course summary
Course opens: 
Course expires: 
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Please login or create an account to take this course.