MRC-Europe 2022 Fall Conference – NOV 2022: SURGICAL SERVICES TRACK

Target Audience

Physicians, nurses, pharmacists, non-physician AMA PRA Category 1 Credit, dentists, physician assistants and a certificate of attendance.

Learning Objectives

  1. Examine the history of blood transfusion
  2. Describe the use of blood and components in trauma patients
  3. Explain the critical steps of walking blood bank implementation
  4. Review the risks and benefits of blood transfusion in the trauma patient.
  5. Administer an acute evaluation of a head/neck trauma patient
  6. List indications for acute intervention in a head/neck trauma case
  7. Perform the necessary steps in the evaluation of a head/neck trauma patient
  8. Discuss the general principles of head/neck trauma management
  9. Define Precision Medicine
  10. Apply Pharmacogenomics skills with your patient population.
  11. Examine Precision Anesthesia
  12. Explain the mechanisms and consequences of vascular injury
  13. Describe the evaluation of a trauma patient with a potential vascular injury
  14. Illustrate techniques for peripheral vascular exposure and repair
  15. Identify signs, symptoms, and mechanisms of severe traumatic brain injury.
  16. Review the classification of traumatic brain injury: mild, moderate, and severe.
  17. Execute first line treatment for patients with severe traumatic brain injury.
  18. Evaluate signs and symptoms of worsening traumatic brain injury in patients with advanced treatment of severe TBI.
  19. Summarize the importance and epidemiology of Blast injuries
  20. Explain Blast biomechanics and associated injuries
  21. Describe Treatment Principles of Blast injuries
Course summary
Course opens: 
Course expires: 
Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany
United States

LTC Bradley A. Rittenhouse, MD, FACS
USAF Maj Christopher Tonn, MD
John Capacchione, MD
Jennifer Sexton, MAS, MD, FACS
LTC Rory Petteys, M.D.
MAJ Steven Wilding, MD

Available credits: 6.00 CE/CME


AMA PRA Category 1 Credit





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Please login or create an account to take this course.
Please login or create an account to take this course.
Please login or create an account to take this course.

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