Hope Seib McMaster, Ph.D.
Hope Seib McMaster, PhD serves as a civilian research psychologist at the Naval Health Research Center where she is the Principal Investigator of the longitudinal Millennium Cohort Family Study launched in 2011 and the Millennium Cohort Study of Adolescent Resilience (SOAR) launched in 2022. Dr. McMaster began her work with the Millennium Cohort Program over 14 years ago when the Navy moved her family to San Diego. She helped establish the Family Study and was the lead investigator for all foundational papers and the mental health research portfolio director. Over the past two decades, she has published on the topics of racial bias, racial disparities in health, military couple relationships, survey methodology, and factors influencing military spouse well-being. She also has two active-duty military-connected adolescent daughters.
*Non-financial relationships: No non-financial relationships have been disclosed.
Financial relationships
Type of financial relationship:There are no financial relationships to disclose.Date added:05/10/2024Date updated: