Army Col. (Ret.) Denise Hopkins-Chadwick, Ph.D., R.N.

Dr. Denise Hopkins-Chadwick is an expert clinician, educator, scientist, and senior leader in healthcare. She has worked with patients, research participants, families, and faculty for thirty-five years utilizing her experience as a clinician, healthcare leader, scientist, educator, and administrator to found HC Research Associates creating a space for supporting research and academic activities. Her programs of research include translating evidence into clinical practice, combat trauma resuscitation, medical modeling and simulation and combat reintegration. Dr. Hopkins-Chadwick is a pioneer in nursing research and administration and distinguished herself throughout her military career through several appointments to executive committees and being an integral part of military leadership.
Hopkins-Chadwick graduated from the Indiana University of Pennsylvania with her Bachelors of Science in Nursing. She went on to graduate from the University of Washington in Seattle, WA as a Clinical Nurse Specialist in Critical Care. Hopkins-Chadwick would later enroll in the United States Army War College in Carlisle, PA to earn a Master’s Degree in Strategic Studies. However, her doctoral thesis that applied the Social Determinants of Health Model to the active duty service woman will be the focal point of this session. Updated applications of the Marmot Model will be applied to the current status of the military child and family and Dr. Hopkins-Chadwick will provide unique strategies for utilizing the Social Determinants of Health Model with military children and youth.
Non-financial relationships: No non-financial relationships have been disclosed.