Theresa Hart, M.S., R.N., N.C.C.-E.
Theresa Hart is a Senior Nurse Consultant at the Defense Health Headquarters (DHA) and program manages the Woman and Infant Clinical Community and two special medical programs for individuals with medical complexities. Ms. Hart has been a Registered Nurse for over 40 years, in a variety of clinical settings. She has had held many different roles and scopes of practice, from small community hospitals to large medical centers with infant delivery volumes of over 10,000 deliveries a year. Most recently, Theresa has been at the DHA managing and coordinating the development and implementation of high reliability in clinical Obstetrics and newborn care within the Military Health System (MHS).The MHS is currently driving the implementation of a postpartum hemorrhage bundle campaign which includes, risk assessment, response, resources, and reporting to decrease adverse outcomes.
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