Timothy Switaj, M.D., M.B.A., M.H.A., C.P.E., C.M.Q., C.P.P.S., F.A.C.H.E., F.A.A.F.P.

Through his career, COL Switaj has served in positions across the spectrum of military medical assignments. He has held operational medicine positions as an Aviation and Special Forces Battalion Surgeon, and served in several Military Treatment Facility leadership roles as the Commander of the Katterbach Army Health Clinic, the Corps of Cadets Surgeon and Chief of Cadet Health at West Point and the Deputy Commander for Clinical Services (Chief Medical Officer/Chief Quality Officer) for the Reynolds Army Community Hospital. In addition to his current role as Department Chair, he also functions as the Chair of the Primary Care Action Team for the San Antonio Market and as the Chair of the Patient Centered Medical Home Advisory Board for the Defense Health Agency. COL Switaj has received numerous military and civilian awards as well as recognition with the Order of Military Medical Merit and the Army Surgeon General’s Physician Recognition Award in 2014. In 2018 he was awarded the Military Excellence in Healthcare Management award from the American College of Healthcare Executives, in 2021 he was identified as a Boundary Breaker and in 2022 he was awarded the Robert Graham Physician Executive Award by the American Academy of Family Physicians. He has active membership and participation in numerous professional organizations, for many of which he has served in a leadership capacity. He currently serves on the Joint Commission’s Ambulatory Care Accreditation Advisory Council, as Chair of the Uniformed Service Academy of Family Physicians Practice Management Committee, and as a Senior Advisor to the Regent’s Advisory Council for the Army Regency of the American College of Healthcare Executives. COL Switaj holds adjunct faculty appointments for two medical schools and one PA school. He is an active researcher and publisher in medical journals and national newsletters, serves as a mentor and volunteer for his alma mater, and is regular faculty for the Uniformed Services University MedXcellence course, the Brooke Army Medical Center RCA W3 course, and the Army CNOIC/NCOIC course where he lectures on primary care and patient safety topics.