Are you a Patient/Beneficiary or Clinical Staff? * Patient/Beneficiary Clinical Staff Patient/Beneficiary Questions What is your beneficiary affiliation? Active Duty Dependent Retired What is your gender? Female Male Non-Binary Prefer not to say What is your age range? Below 18 years old 18-25 years old 26-35 years old 36-45 years old 46-55 years old 56 years and older The patient message and educational materials: * Are easily accessible Required assistance to open and use Could not be opened Overall, how understandable was the education content sent by your provider? * Excellent Good Average Poor Bad Overall, how satisfied are you with the VEC delivering your education content? * Very satisfied Moderately satisfied Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied Moderately dissatisfied Very dissatisfied Do you already have a Virtual Education Center (VEC) account? * Yes No Do you plan on creating a VEC account? * Yes No Please tell us what is discouraging you from creating a VEC account. VEC Experience Questions How strongly do you agree or disagree with the following statement: I can practically apply the educational content from the VEC to improve my overall health. * Strongly agree Agree Neither agree nor disagree Disagree Strongly disagree Overall, how easy to use did you find The Virtual Education Center (VEC)? * Very easy Easy Average Hard Very hard How strongly do you agree or disagree with the following statement: The Virtual Education Center (VEC) provides valuable information about my health care. * Strongly agree Agree Neither agree nor disagree Disagree Strongly disagree How likely are you to use the Virtual Education Center (VEC) to find approved educational content vs other methods such as Google or printed materials. * Very likely Somewhat likely Likely Somewhat not likely Not very likely Rate your overall satisfaction with the Virtual Education Center (VEC). * Very satisfied Moderately satisfied Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied Moderately dissatisfied Very dissatisfied What did you find most beneficial or helpful about the Virtual Education Center (VEC)? How did you learn about the Virtual Education Center? * My provider sent me a patient message and I opened the link I was provided information about the VEC from my clinic A friend/family member told me about it I saw a poster/flyer or other promotion Social Media Other How did you learn about the Virtual Education Center? Other Did you encounter any technical difficulties when using the Virtual Education Center (VEC)? If so, please describe. How can we improve the Virtual Education Center? Please let us know your ideas and suggestions. Clinical Staff Questions What is your personnel affiliation? MIL CIV CTR What is your gender? Female Male Non-Binary Prefer not to say What is your age range? Below 18 years old 18-25 years old 26-35 years old 36-45 years old 46-55 years old 56 years and older Overall, did you find The Virtual Education Center (VEC) easy to use? * Very easy Moderately easy Neither easy nor hard Moderately hard Very hard I am more likely to use the Virtual Education Center (VEC) over my current methods (e.g. printed materials) to distribute education content to my patients. * Very likely Moderately likely Neither likely nor not likely Moderately not likely Very not likely I am more likely to use the Virtual Education Center (VEC) to search for approved educational content for patients than using other sources such as Google. * Very likely Moderately likely Neither likely nor not likely Moderately not likely Very not likely How strongly do you agree or disagree with the following statement: The Virtual Education Center (VEC) enables me to have better access to DHA patient education materials. Strongly disagree Disagree Neither agree nor disagree Agree Strongly agree Rate your satisfaction with the training (you received) for using the Virtual Education Center (VEC). Very satisfied Moderately satisfied Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied Moderately dissatisfied Very dissatisfied What improvements do you suggest for training regarding the Virtual Education Center (VEC)? Rate your overall satisfaction with the Virtual Education Center (VEC). * Very satisfied. Moderately satisfied. Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied. Moderately dissatisfied. Very dissatisfied. What is most beneficial (helpful) about the Virtual Education Center (VEC) application? What improvements do you suggest for the Virtual Education (VEC) application? Leave this field blank