Evaluation: Primary Care Pain Champion: Live Course
Overall quality of the educational activity
Teaching strategy employed
Relevance of the educational activity to your practice
Quality of the materials used in the activity
Helpfulness of the information presented
Contributed to my knowledge, skills, and attitude to enhance the delivery of patient care
Implement the Stepped Care Model for pain in their patient-centered medical homes.
Train and mentor intake staff, primary care managers and other members of the PCMH.
Promote and reinforce behaviorally-based treatments for pain provided by the internal behavioral health consultant’s (IBHC).
Use data and evidence-based sources such as the VA/DoD clinical practice guidelines to provide consultative/clinical support for PCMH staff.
Use updated Tri-Service Workflow forms relevant to the SCM for pain.
Presentation Style
Organization and Clarity
Relevance to Outcomes
Presentation Style
Organization and Clarity
Relevance to Outcomes