Use the rating of strongly agree to strongly disagree, select one option for each question in the table. * Strongly AgreeAgreeNeutralDisagreeStrongly Disagree My level of understanding of the DHA Strategy improved as a result of today’s sessions. My level of understanding of the DHA Strategy improved as a result of today’s sessions. - Strongly Agree My level of understanding of the DHA Strategy improved as a result of today’s sessions. - Agree My level of understanding of the DHA Strategy improved as a result of today’s sessions. - Neutral My level of understanding of the DHA Strategy improved as a result of today’s sessions. - Disagree My level of understanding of the DHA Strategy improved as a result of today’s sessions. - Strongly Disagree Today’s sessions were informative and relevant to my job. Today’s sessions were informative and relevant to my job. - Strongly Agree Today’s sessions were informative and relevant to my job. - Agree Today’s sessions were informative and relevant to my job. - Neutral Today’s sessions were informative and relevant to my job. - Disagree Today’s sessions were informative and relevant to my job. - Strongly Disagree Generally, presenters seemed knowledgeable and prepared for their respective sessions. Generally, presenters seemed knowledgeable and prepared for their respective sessions. - Strongly Agree Generally, presenters seemed knowledgeable and prepared for their respective sessions. - Agree Generally, presenters seemed knowledgeable and prepared for their respective sessions. - Neutral Generally, presenters seemed knowledgeable and prepared for their respective sessions. - Disagree Generally, presenters seemed knowledgeable and prepared for their respective sessions. - Strongly Disagree How would you rate the overall quality of today’s sessions? * Excellent: I had an excellent experience today and the sessions exceeded my expectations. Good: The sessions were informative and well-delivered. Average: The sessions met my basic expectations and provided adequate content. Needs improvement: The content or delivery of the sessions fell short of my expectations. Poor: Overall, today’s sessions were unsatisfactory or I experienced significant issues. What was your biggest takeaway from today? Please submit any other feedback about the Symposium here. Leave this field blank